MGO first light

Fringes were successfully obtained between McDonald (MGO) and the two broadband antennas at MIT Haystack Observatory in Massachusetts, and the Goddard Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory (GGAO) in Maryland. All baselines, recording bands, and polarizations resulted in first fringes, confirming MGO’s interferometric detection and performance. Congratulations to the entire team! (Photo credit: Ganesh Rajagopalan)

TOW 2019

The tenth biennial IVS Technical Operations Workshop (TOW) was held in May 2019 at MIT Haystack Observatory in Westford, Massachusetts. At this year’s workshop were more than 75 people representing 17 different countries. The TOW is focused on hands-on training and problem resolution in VLBI operations, and is thus geared toward the technical staff members […]

VLBI Standard Interface

Introduction to VSI VSI Introduction and Explanation (html) VSI-H Introduction (pdf) VSI-H Specification VSI-H specification Rev 1.0 (pdf) – 7 Aug 2000 VSI-H specification Rev 1.1 (pending approval) (pdf) – 12 Dec 2002 VSI-S Specification VSI-S specification Rev 1.0 (pdf) – 13 Feb 2003 VSI-S Usage Examples (pdf) – 13 Feb 2003 Summary of VSI-H […]

IVS VLBI School 2019

The 3rd IVS Training School on VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry was held in conjunction with the 24th Working Meeting of the European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry in Las Palmas (Gran Canaria, Spain). The VLBI training school is coordinated by the IVS Committee on Training and Education of the International VLBI Service for Geodesy […]

McDonald Geodetic Observatory

McDonald, TX, USA The newest of NASA’s Space Geodesy Project VGOS antenna is currently nearing completion of the construction phase at McDonald Geodetic Observatory in Texas. Contact information: Rebecca Johnson, Communications Mgr. McDonald Observatory The University of Texas at Austin 512-475-6763

International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry